January 17, 2006

Man cannot defy gravity.

We all know man cannot defy gravity. But Dan The Super Muffin Man can! Watch these videos to see.

Video 1 - A day in the park...
Video 2 - Fly!


Jenny said...

The fly video reminds me of that movie "forgotten", when people got sucked up from the sky.
Anywho, cool videos.

Eric said...

Sweet film soon it will be dan the super muffin man and eric the super red man can be the only ones to defy gravity. Muahahahaha

Daniel Greene said...

Oh yeah, that seen from "The Forgotten" was pretty cool.
And Eric, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah...

...this is not my Batman cup.

Dante the Inferno said...

Yanno. I can pretty much do all the stuff you did in those videos without special effects.

Just puttin that out there.